For those of you who didn't know, I've been on the South Beach diet (more or less) for one month now. I say more or less because I haven't been following all of the recipes, but I've been trying like crazy to stick to the approved lists, but I haven't done it perfectly. (Hey, give me a break, it's my first real attempt at a diet!!!)Phase 1 is supposed to be for 2 weeks, and here's the 'list' for that phase.

Then you move on to Phase 2 for two weeks. Here's the Phase 2 list.

Then you move on to Phase 2 for two weeks. Here's the Phase 2 list.

WOW that's true progress in such a short time. I'm blown away. Diets never work for me like that. It sounds like they give you lots of good recipes to work with.
On another note, my computer broke down and I lost your email and mailing address. Bummer! Will you please email me both?
Thanks so much
Keep at it! Chase and I aren't doing the greatest at our dessert rule- we cheated two extra days this week. (wednesday with more birthday cake and Friday with candy). We're suckers for the sweets- you're a good example
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